Kali Linux Download For Mac

Kali Linux ISO image Download the 32-bit 64-bit PC. This is a bootable ISO image full of Kali Linux is best for penetration and security testing.

Kali Linux Free Download ISO Image for 32 bit 64 bit PC. This is full bootable ISO image of Kali Linux which is best for penetration and security testing. Kali Linux Overview. Kali Linux is an open source operating system that has been designed as a replacement to a much acclaimed BackTrack penetration testing Linux distribution system. Nessus is supported by a variety of platforms including Windows 7 and 8, Mac OS X, and popular Linux distros like Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux etc. Read more here and download Nessus 7.

Description Kali Linux ISO image Download

Kali Linux ISO image Download is an open source operating system that has been designed as a replacement to a distribution system BackTrack Linux penetration testing acclaimed both. Kali Linux is a complete platform for penetration testing as it includes over 300 penetration testing tools. Kali Linux supports a wide range of wireless devices and is also the FHS. This highly customizable program supports a wide range of languages.

  • For ethical hacking/penetration what is the best way to use Kali Linux? Also if someone could explain the advantages and disadvantages of choosing to run Kali Linux on a VM, Mac, or USB. Thanks in advance! Should I just look up the appropriate tool to download then download it or just look into Kali's information gathering.
  • 2014-5-27  Kali Linux是基于Debian的Linux发行版, 设计用于数字取证操作系统。由Offensive Security Ltd维护和资助。最先由Offensive Security的Mati Aharoni和Devon.

Kali Linux distribution is available in 32 bits and 64 bits. GNOME 3.4 is responsible for the appearance of Kali Linux desktop. It provides traditional desktop environment with two panels and a black tone theme. You can download Backtrack 5, so it was the previous version.

Kali Linux ISO image Downloadincludes some default applications as Iceweasel Web browser, Empathy IM Client, VLC Media Player and burning tool Brasero CD / DVD. Security applications are the main attraction of Kali Linux and these tools can be found in the category of Kali Linux menu. There is a wide collection of hacking and security tools these menus.

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Yet Kali Linux ISO image Download is a very useful Linux operating system that will make you feel comfortable in performing their daily tasks on PC.

Kali Linux ISO image Download Features

Below are some of the notable features that you will experience after the download of Kali Linux. Open source operating system. Integrated platform for penetration testing. It includes over 300 penetration testing tools. Available in 32 bits and 64 bits. Highly customizable program. Multilingual application. It includes default applications such as VLC Player, Iceweasel web browser, instant messaging client Empathy etc. Great emphasis on safety.

Download: 32 Bit 64 Bit

Kali Linux ISO image Download Free Click below button to start Kali Linux download free. This installer is complete line outside and independent settings for Kali Linux. This would be compatible with Windows 32 bits and 64 bits.

Will be update soon

An Easy tool to Generate Backdoor for bypass AV and Easy Tool For Post exploitation attack like browser attack,dll . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac .

Png to jpg mass converter. The purpose of the application is to crawl the specified Tumblr blog and download all the images hosted on the site. The straightforward interface may look quite primitive, but. For instance, to download images from kwonyurispazz.tumblr.com, open the accounts.txt file, enter kwonyurispazz as text, save the file and close it. Once all information is entered and saved, execute the tumblr.jar file present in the application folder to start the image download process. Can anyone help find a way to download a tumblr archive? That does not include wasting time or downloading an unknown software. If it does have to be a software can you post it in the comments. However this one only tracks links that are images, and you can use command line tools like wget to download the list. Ninja edit: RipMe also works. Internet Download all images from one Tumblr site. Tumblr is an amazing way to share images and other online goodies, but some sites are so good we want to save them all.

The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection .


  • If this project very help you to penetration testing and u want support me , you can give me a cup of coffee :)
  • Create backdoor for windows , linux , mac and android

  • bypass antivirus backdoorr

  • Checks for metasploit service and starts if not present

  • Easily craft meterpreter reverse_tcp payloads for Windows, Linux, Android and Mac and another

  • Start multiple meterpreter reverse_tcp listners

  • Fast Search in searchsploit

  • Bypass AV

  • File pumper

  • Create backdoor with another techniq

  • Autorunscript for listeners ( easy to use )

  • Drop into Msfconsole Xcode free download for mac.

  • Some other fun stuff :)

  • Autorun work if the victim disabled uac ( user acces control ) or low uac ( WINDOWS )
  • What is uac ? you can visit ( http://www.digitalcitizen.life/uac-why-you-should-never-turn-it-off )
  • I have also created 3 AutoRun files
  • Simply copy these files to a CD or USB
  • You can change the icon autorun file or exe in folder icon ( replace your another ico and replace name with autorun.ico )
  • Copy your icon picture to folder /TheFatrat/icons
  • Change the name into autorun.ico
  • And Replace
  • Done


Be sure to check out the [Changelog] and Read CHANGELOG.md

Getting Started

  1. git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git
  2. cd TheFatRat
  3. chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh

How it works

  • Extract The lalin-master to your home or another folder
  • chmod +x fatrat
  • chmod +x powerfull.sh
  • And run the tools ( ./fatrat )
  • Easy to Use just input your number
Kali Linux Download For Mac

Linux operating systems we recommend :

  • Kali Linux 2 or Kali 2016.1 rolling
  • Cyborg
  • Parrot
  • BackTrack
  • Backbox
  • Devuan


Download Macchanger For Kali Linux

  • if prog.c file to large when create backdoor with powerfull.sh , you can use prog.c.backup and create another backup when you running option 2

Update Fatrat

  • To update fatrat go to your TheFatRat folder and execute :git pull && chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh

  • To Update from 1.9.3 Version and up , execute on your fatrat folder :./update && chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh

Tutorial ?

  • Screetsec Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpK9IXzLMfVFp9NUfDzxFfw
  • Udate thefatrat v1.8 https://youtu.be/6skLV6zPnec?list=PLbyfDadg3caj6nc3KBk375lKWDOjiCmb8
  • file Pumper in linux with fatrat https://youtu.be/rHuh5DJ476M?list=PLbyfDadg3caj6nc3KBk375lKWDOjiCmb8
  • Kali linux 2016.2 Setup FatRat and Bypass Windows 10 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkfKSCxvPec
  • Embed Backdoor Apk Andoird : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZg3gPuLvgs&feature=youtu.be
  • Create Backdoor Php and Reconnect With TheFatRat : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfS55fjd8Fg
  • Exploit Windows 7/8/10 using Thefatrat ( option 2 ) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WbKOxIl_f4
  • How to hack android device with FatRat on kali linux 2 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUuwnu-NUXE
  • Kali Linux Tools - TheFatRat Tool For Generate Backdoor with MsfVenom : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PMfPbrM0o4
  • FUD 100 % Backdoor With TheFatRat pt.1 [ PwnWinds ] [ Bypass Antivirus ] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lJBwclFwJI
  • FUD 100 % Backdoor With TheFatRat pt.2 [ PwnWinds ] [ Bypass Antivirus ] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7E6DZPhLLk&t=17s
  • FUD 100 % Backdoor With TheFatRat pt.3 [ PwnWinds ] [ Bypass Antivirus ] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCzsD6vt9CQ
  • TheFatrat Backdoor Undetectable by Antivirus Kali linux part 3 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuOCDn0NvWc
  • 1000 % FUD Backdoor with TheFatRat Tool : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPXWv0jaBEQ
  • How To Use TheFatRat To Create Backdoor In Kali Rolling [FUD 100%] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26tSOuPcpZk
  • Backdoor (Virus) 100% Indetectable TheFatRat : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26tSOuPcpZk
  • Backdooring Android with TheFatRat Tool- Kali Linux Tutorial :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SQW9lujjT8
  • Hacking Windows using TheFatRat + Apache2 Server + Ettercap + Metasploit on Kali Linux 2016.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlXMslSjnGw
  • TheFatRat 1.9.6 - Trodebi ( Embed Trojan into Debian Package ) https://youtu.be/NCsrcqhUBCc?list=PLbyfDadg3caj6nc3KBk375lKWDOjiCmb8
  • ALL VIDEO IN HERE : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thefatrat+backdoor

Found a Bug ?

Kali Linux Windows 7 Download

  • Submit new issue


  • Thanks to allah and Screetsec [ Edo -maland- ]
  • Dracos Linux from Scratch Indonesia ( Penetration os ) Thanksyou , you can see in http://dracos-linux.org/
  • Offensive Security for the awesome OS ( http://www.offensive-security.com/ )
  • Thanks peterpt for help and contributes in this project :)) ( www.github.com/peterpt )
  • Dana James Traversie https://github.com/dana-at-cp/backdoor-apk
  • z0noxz (Powerstager) https://github.com/z0noxz/powerstager
  • http://www.kali.org/'
  • Jack Wilder admin in http://www.linuxsec.org
  • source for c program https://github.com/rsmudge
  • And another open sources tool in github
  • Uptodate new tools hacking visit http://www.kitploit.com

⭕️ Disclaimer

Kali Linux Download For Pc

Note: modifications, changes, or alterations to this sourcecode is acceptable, however,any public releases utilizing this code must be approved by writen this tool ( Edo maland ).